Sunday, December 4, 2011

C4T #4

For my C4T #4 posts I was assigned to comment on Matthew Tabor's "education for the aughts."

For my first post on 11/12 I commented on "Early College High Schools and Accelerated Students". This post was about students being able to participate in Early College programs, College Prep courses, etc. This was my comment to Mr. Tabor:

Hi Mr. Tabor,
My name is Kristen Phelps and I’m currently in Dr. Stanges’ EDM310 class at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama. I’ve been assigned to comment on your blog! My sister was actually accepted into one of the ECEP (Early College Enrollment Programs) that was available at her high school here in Alabama. Like so many students she was “bored” with high school. She went through the application process, got accepted, and now has a Culinary Degree. I’m not saying that the Early College/ Accelerated Programs are for everyone but it suited her. Like you said, the question wasn’t whether or not these programs are good ideas, it’s whether or not the money is there. For the sake of people like my sister who absolutely cherished the opportunity to be in the ECEP program, I hope that these programs can find/have the appropriate funding to keep them going.

For my second post on 12/4 I commented on "SAT and ACT Mean Nothing?". This was my comment to Mr. Tabor was:

Hi Mr. Tabor,
My name is Kristen Phelps and I’m currently in Dr. Stanges’ EDM310 class at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama. I’ve been assigned to comment on your blog! I've actually heard several debates, in school this year, regarding the SAT/ACT's usefulness. Personally, I think that both have advantages but in terms of measuring what your success in college is going to be, I'm not so sure. Overall, this was a very interesting post! Thanks for sharing!

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