Sunday, December 4, 2011

Blog Assignment #14

"Top Ten Tips for Using Technology in the Classroom" by Jose Picardo.

I thought Mr. Picardo's video was very interesting. He had some really informative tips! I like that he gave just a little information about each and kept the video short and simple. One of the tips Mr. Picardo mentioned that I'm not familiar with is steaming videos. I've seen people "stream" things such as videos before but it's not something I necessarily know how to do. Something I do use that Mr. Picardo mentioned is music! I love music and love to use music whenever I can. I'm also very familiar with iTunes and I'm comfortable using it. Tip 3 was using teleconferencing tools and that's something that I would like to get better at. I've had some issues with Skype in the past and it has discouraged me from using it more often. I need to give it another try!

Tip 5 talked about using your interactive whiteboard more effectively and thanks to EDM310 I believe I can do that! During Projects #13 and #15 I learned so much about Smart-Boards and I'm truly excited about being able to use them to teach! Also, Another Tip Mr. Picardo mentioned was using Pot-casts and (again) thanks to EDM310 I know how to conduct/use a Pod-cast in my own classroom! Tip 7 was to start a blog or wiki! I have really, really enjoyed "blogging" this semester for EDM310 and I intend to keep it up even after this class ends! So I know that is something I can definitely use and I will know how to incorporate it into my classroom!

C4T #4

For my C4T #4 posts I was assigned to comment on Matthew Tabor's "education for the aughts."

For my first post on 11/12 I commented on "Early College High Schools and Accelerated Students". This post was about students being able to participate in Early College programs, College Prep courses, etc. This was my comment to Mr. Tabor:

Hi Mr. Tabor,
My name is Kristen Phelps and I’m currently in Dr. Stanges’ EDM310 class at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama. I’ve been assigned to comment on your blog! My sister was actually accepted into one of the ECEP (Early College Enrollment Programs) that was available at her high school here in Alabama. Like so many students she was “bored” with high school. She went through the application process, got accepted, and now has a Culinary Degree. I’m not saying that the Early College/ Accelerated Programs are for everyone but it suited her. Like you said, the question wasn’t whether or not these programs are good ideas, it’s whether or not the money is there. For the sake of people like my sister who absolutely cherished the opportunity to be in the ECEP program, I hope that these programs can find/have the appropriate funding to keep them going.

For my second post on 12/4 I commented on "SAT and ACT Mean Nothing?". This was my comment to Mr. Tabor was:

Hi Mr. Tabor,
My name is Kristen Phelps and I’m currently in Dr. Stanges’ EDM310 class at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama. I’ve been assigned to comment on your blog! I've actually heard several debates, in school this year, regarding the SAT/ACT's usefulness. Personally, I think that both have advantages but in terms of measuring what your success in college is going to be, I'm not so sure. Overall, this was a very interesting post! Thanks for sharing!

Final Report on My PLN

My PLN has definitely come a long way. I find that for me instead of using Symbaloo, like I was using at the beginning of the semester, I like to use "Bookmarks" to keep up with all of my sites and blogs. I enjoyed using Symabloo but didn't find myself updating it as often as I should so I decided "bookmarking" was the best option for me. Yes, it's a little old school but I can keep up with things better this way! Also, I have started using Twitter very frequently to keep up with specific people I have found to "follow". Michael Smith is one person that I have added to my PLN/follow on twitter that I absolutely love! His page The Principal's Page is hilarious and full of awesome information! I would highly recommend checking it out!

Project #16 - Final Project

C4K - November Summary

The C4K assignments were truly one of my most favorite assignments in EDM310 and I'm so sad that they're over! During November I commented on 3 different "kids" blogs.

On 11/6 I commented on a post by Mr. McClung. He assigned his students to "create their own countries". On the post he published a couple of the students projects. This was my comment to Mr. McClung and his students:

My name is Kristen and I’m student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. This assignment seems like it was a lot of fun! I would have loved (or still would love, :]) to do an assignment like this! Carollelea sounds like a fabulous place to live and the story of how it came to be was so creative. I would love to see more of these! Thanks for sharing!

On 11/13 I commented on Mrs. Yollis' Class Blog. Her students had made a video to wish a very special friend of their class Happy Birthday! This was my comment to Mrs. Yollis' class:

My name is Kristen and I attend the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama. I'm currently in Dr. Stranges' EDM310 class and as a part of my grade I get to comment on your blog!
It was so sweet of you guys to wish your friend Mrs. Morris Happy Birthday! I loved that you did it through video. What a great birthday present!

Happy blogging!


For my last C4K on 11/20, I commented on Kane's blog. He is a Year 6 student and had written a post about Rugby! This was my comment to Kane:

Hi Kane!
My name is Kristen and I'm a student at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama in the United States. I'm currently in Dr. Stranges' EDM310 course and I get to comment on your blog as a part of my grade! I don't really know a lot about rugby but it seems like an awesome sport! You seem to really like it! I'm very impressed that you know so much about the players. Keep up the great work!

Skype Interview