Sunday, October 9, 2011

C4T #2

For C4T #2, I commented on two different posts from Michael Smith's Principals Page - The Blog. I absolutely LOVE his blog! I spent hours looking at his posts and literally laughing out loud! I would highly recommend subscribing to Mr. Smith's blog and following him on Twitter.

The first post I commented on was "Kindergarten Kids Remind Me of Las Vegas". In this post Mr. Smith talks about how excited Kindergartners are to be at school. How they love to color, play, and count! Mr. Smith jokes that it's an unwritten practice that anytime an administrator is having a bad day, they head down to the Kindergarten classrooms. There's just something about their excitement and innocence that can make someone in the worst mood feel better!

This is the comment I left for Mr. Smith:

Hi Mr. Smith,
I am a student in Dr. Stranges’ EDM310 course at the University of South Alabama and I was assigned to comment on your blog. I want you to know that I absolutely love your blog, I think you’re hilarious. I read several of your posts but I picked this post to comment on because I hope to teach Kindergarten. Like you said, there’s just something about Kindergartners and all their enthusiasm that warms my heart! Thank you for sharing! I will definitely be back to check out more of your posts!

Mr. Smith actually wrote me back and said:

Thanks for the comment.
My wife and I love South Alabama.
Good luck with your class and if there's ever anything I can do to help, please let me know.
Michael Smith

*This is actually the first response that I've gotten back from one of my C4T's so I was really excited about it!

The next post of Mr. Smith's that I commented on was titled "Unrealistically High Self-Esteem". In this post Mr. Smith talks about his daughter and how she really shows no desire to fit it with her classmates. One comment he made really stuck with me and made me smile, he said, "She prides herself of going down a path where she’s the only traveler." In the rest of his post Mr. Smith talks about how his daughter is at the age when most children (especially girls) just want to fit in. They want to be like everyone else. But she just doesn't care.

This is the comment I left for Mr. Smith:

Hi Mr. Smith,
I’m back! This is Kristen from Dr. Strange’s EDM310 class at the University of South Alabama!
The fact that you call your daughter “Evil Spawn” literally made me “laugh out loud”. Take my advice: Be thankful she doesn’t care! This is coming from a girl who (not too long ago) went down “I Have To Be Like Everyone Else” Road and “What If I’m Not Like Everyone Else” Boulevard. They are awful, awkward, and scary streets! Unfortunately, I felt the pressure to be like everyone else. I would like to think that I didn’t always give in but sometimes I did. My younger sister on the other hand, “dances to the beat of her own drum” and I admire her so much for that. She simply “doesn’t care”. Even now that I’m older and don’t feel those pressures as much…I still wish that I had her carefree attitude! So again, BE THANKFUL! Hopefully (for you), she will have this attitude throughout her teenage years as well! If not, good luck!

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