Sunday, October 16, 2011

Blog Assignment #8

"This is how we dream Part 1 and 2"

I thought the video by Dr. Miller was really interesting. I especially loved that it wasn't just a video of a man standing and talking into a camera. The whole time both of the videos were playing he had things up on the screen. He was showing what he was talking about, not just describing. I think the way he conducted the video shows greatly what exactly it was that he was trying to say. Which was that there are so many things going on constantly on the Internet. We as educators should take advantage of that!
Dr. Miller said, "Ideas don't belong to us individually but, they belong to us as a culture." He also said, "We as educators must be in the business of sharing ideas freely." Both of these statements really stuck with me. In the beginning of the video he talked about how people throw books, magazines,ect., out but you can't really throw something that's on the Internet away. There are so many ways to enhance both teaching and learning styles in the age that we are living in. Today, we don't have to learn by staring at a book. We can be watching, interacting, and conversing with people from around the world to learn.
I think writing with multimedia is amazing and I personally would love to be able to do so. As far students go I think that whether or not they would be able to write with multimedia or not will depend on their ages. But as far as middle and high school students go, I think that with the opportunity to do so they would be able to write with multimedia. I can only hope that they get the chance.

"Carly Pugh's Blog Post #12"

Carly's Blog Post #12 was truly amazing. I loved her writing style of mixing serious topics with little bits of humor. Carly and Dr. Millers ideas are scarily close in meaning. I agree that by using all the elements that are available to us we can only positively influence our students. By mixing unconditional and new tactics to get our students attentions we can influence them to look any and everywhere for information to inspire them to learn!

"The Chipper Series" and "EDM310 for Dummies"

I remember watching these videos at the beginning of the semester. At the time I was kind of scratching my head thinking, "what in the world?" but now they make a little more sense! Obviously "The Chipper Series" is sort of a "what not to do" in EDM310 or really in life, type of video! You can't blame others for your lack of doing! You also can't just make up your own rules and expect that everyone is going to jump on board and follow them! If you don't put in any effort, you're not going to get any results! I thought the "EDM310 for Dummies" vido was really funny. I have to admit that the first few weeks of class I felt like the girls in the beginning of the video did! I would have been thankful for a copy of EDM310 for Dummies! Thankfully after the girls put in some effort they ended up really enjoying EDM310 and understanding what it was really all about! I think that creating or participating in more of a "what not to do" in EDM310 would be fun and helpful to students in the future. In the video people could act out instances that would be less than ideal for getting their EDM310 work done. It could showcase people (not in their best efforts) doing their C4K's, C4C's, C4T's, Blog Assignments, the Checklist, and other parts of the class. This way it could really show people what not to do, while at the same time giving them an idea what the class really entails.

"Learn to Change, Change to Learn"

I think that the arguments in this video were absolutely valid. One of the speakers in the video said in regards to standardized testing, "the jobs that these kids in school will be having do not call for the kind of right answer, vending machine approach." I couldn't agree with him more. A lot of what is being taught in schools today is not going to be beneficial to the students once they step out of the schools doors. Most of the jobs that students in school today are going to have, have nothing to do with memorizing passages out of textbooks. Sitting in classrooms, staring at books is not going to help the youth of this nation/world grow into active members of the technological society we are currently living in. We need to wake up and realize that the information that can help our students learn might not be on paper, it might be on/through a screen.

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